Union FC COVID-19 Protocols

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While we are excited to see everyone out on the fields, we must also remember to continue our diligence in protecting each other from COVID-19. Please be respectful that we all have grandparents, parents, and loved ones that are at risk should they be infected by this horrible virus. It is not just our responsibility to protect ourselves, but those around us as well. Below you will find the protocols that all of our parents and players will need to follow throughout the season. The return to play protocols in the FAQ section is based on recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask your coach, director, or feel free to email us at info@unionfc.org.

Let’s keep our kids playing this amazing sport we all love.

Go Union FC!!


To keep everyone safe and on the field it is important to recognize and understand that we all play a role in creating a safe, controlled environment that allows everyone to participate.


  • Create, Distribute and post COVID-19 protocols

  • Be sensitive and accommodating to parents that may be uncomfortable with returning to play

  • Train and educate all staff on Return to Play protocols

  • Ensure there are appropriate waste receptacles at fields

  • Self Check for compliance with protocols


  • Follow all COVID-19 protocols 

  • Inquire how athletes are feeling. If they are not feeling well, send them home

  • Ensure all athletes have their individual equipment (ball, water, shin guards, etc.)

  • Ensure that training  equipment is disinfected after each use


  • Check child’s temperature before coming to any activity. Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every training session

  • Ensure all equipment (cleats, ball, shin guards, etc.) are sanitized before and after every training

  • Notify Club/coach immediately if your child becomes ill, is exposed, or tests positive for COVID-19

  • Supply your child with individual sanitizer

  • Ensure you child has plenty of water in his/her own water bottle


  • Adhere to all COVID-19 protocols

  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after training

  • Wash and sanitize training equipment (shoes, shin guards, clothing) after every training 

  • Do not share water, food, or equipment

  • Respect and practice social distancing

  • Notify Club/coach immediately if you become ill, are exposed, or test positive for COVID-19


  • If you are sick or feel sick, STAY HOME

  • At risk individuals, youth or adult, STAY HOME

  • Each player must have their own ball and equipment

  • No one is to share water, towels, or any equipment. This includes, but not limited to:

    • Shoes, Socks, or Shin Guards

    • Jersey/Uniform

  • Practice Vest/Pennies/Jerseys should be washed after each use

  • Each player will be required to purchase their individual practice pennies as part of the uniform kit

  • No centralized hydration or refreshment stations

  • All players should carry a personal sanitizer with them at all times

  • Respect for each individual’s choices must be the top priority. If a participant wishes to wear a face mask this will be allowed, and accommodations made if needed

COVID-19 FAQs (Return to Play)

My child or someone in my immediate family is showing signs of COVID-19.  What do I do?

Please contact your coach and notify the club if you have been exposed so the club can determine whether or not practices or games should be cancelled or postponed.

  • If your child is sick or shows signs of illness, do NOT send them to a Union FC event (i.e., practice, games, etc.).

  • Keep your child at home and monitor their symptoms
    Call your child’s healthcare provider to discuss your child’s symptoms and find out if a COVID-19 test is needed.

  • If possible, have the sick child (and anyone else who has symptoms) kept away from others and use a separate bathroom.

  • Make sure everyone that you and the sick child live with who is 2 years and older wears a mask covering their mouths and noses whenever they are with others. It is especially important that anyone with symptoms or caring for anyone with symptoms wears a mask.

  • After being in contact with someone with COVID-19, it can take up to 14 days to know if you are sick. People who live with you and the sick child should stay home and avoid contact with others (unless advised by a healthcare provider to leave home to seek medical care).

  • Encourage everyone who lives with you and the sick child to wash their hands often and avoid sharing personal household items with others (e.g., dishes, cups, towels, bedding).

  • Use an effective household disinfectant to clean “high-touch” surfaces and everyday items such as door handles, countertops, and faucets.

 Your child may return to play when:

  • It has been at least 5 days since symptoms started and

  • Overall symptoms have improved and

  • Your child has had no fever for at least 48 hours without using fever reducing medication and

  • They have received a negative test on or after Day 5 (Day 0 is the day of known exposure (e.g., Exposed on Friday (Day 0) player may return to practice on Wednesday (Day 5) (Saturday (Day 1), Sunday (Day 2), Monday (Day 3), Tuesday (Day 4), Wednesday (Day 5)) with a negative test prior to practice) and

  • A negative test must be sent to the club (email info@unionfc.org), the coach, and you must be cleared by your coach, director or board member before showing up to practice. We would rather err on the side of caution and have players sit out more time than less, if it means keeping their teammates safe. All test results are kept in strict confidence, but is required for the health and safety of our membership.

My child has been exposed to COVID-19, but is asymptomatic.  What do I do?

Please contact your coach and notify the club if you have been exposed so the club can determine whether or not practices or games should be cancelled or postponed.

Please follow the same protocols as above to ensure that your child does not have COVID-19.  The CDC recommends waiting 3-5 days from the known date of exposure before taking a test. 

Your child may return to play when:

  • It has been at least 5 days since the known exposure and

  • Your child has remained asymptomatic since the known exposure and

  • They have received a negative test on or after Day 5 (Day 0 is the day of known exposure (e.g., Exposed on Friday (Day 0) player may return to practice on Wednesday (Day 5) (Saturday (Day 1), Sunday (Day 2), Monday (Day 3), Tuesday (Day 4), Wednesday (Day 5)) with a negative test prior to practice) and

  • A negative test must be sent to the club (email info@unionfc.org), the coach, and you must be cleared by your coach, director or board member before showing up to practice. We would rather err on the side of caution and have players sit out more time than less, if it means keeping their teammates safe. All test results are kept in strict confidence, but is required for the health and safety of our membership.

My child has tested positive for COVID-19.  When can I return to Union FC activities?

Please contact your coach and notify the club if you have been exposed so the club can determine whether or not practices or games should be cancelled or postponed.

Your child may return to play when:

  • It has been at least 10 days since symptoms started and the club and coach were notified and

  • Overall symptoms have improved and

  • Your child has had no fever for at least 48 hours without using fever reducing medication.

Go Union!! #UnionProud

For more information please see below:

US Club Announcement

California Department of Public Health

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

“The Ultimate Measure Of A Person Is Not Where They Stand In Moments Of Comfort And Convenience, But Where They Stand At Times Of Challenge And Controversy.”

- Martin Luther King, Jr.